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Nose Injury First Aid & Treatment Tips

| Thursday, December 9, 2010 |

A simple nosebleed is usually caused by a burst capillary near the opening on the inside of the nose. The larger the blood vessel, the more severe the bleeding. As with any bleeding point, to prevent further blood loos pressure is required at the injury site. Here, we are concerned with the floppy, fleshy bits of the face and once you have examined the extent of the blood flow by lifting the handkerchief, etc.., from the upper lip end, proceed as follow:
Nose Injury First Aid Treatment1. Using your thumb and forefinger, hold a clean pad against either side of the tip of the nose and pinch your fingers together.
2. Whenever possible, involve your casualty by letting them hold the pad in place. This will allow you to clean the person up.
3. Make sure that the head is tilted forward as swallowed blood cause visiting.
4. Apply pressure for some ten minutes by which time the clotting process should have started. If on examination there is still bleeding, continue pressure for a further ten minutes.
5. Should bleeding continue beyond half an hour, the casualty will have to attend
Hospital for more intensive treatment.
In case of an injury on the bony part of the bridge of the nose,there may well be a fracture which can be identified by bruising and swelling in this case pressure must, of course, not be applied. Care must be taken to prevent any blood being swallowed;a person with a nose fracture can least afford to vomit as well. Removal to hospital is vital and, while waiting for the ambulance, take the following steps:
1. Do not pinch the nose since the injury is much higher up than the tip. In any case, it is very doubtful whether the casualty will permit you to touch any part of their face.
2. No one has died from a nosebleed yet, unless there was other evidence of a more sinister injury.
3. Tilt the casualty’s head forward, give them a large towel and ask them to hold it to their face. They will know by feel how near to the face the towel should be held.( a bowl for the blood to drip into is to be avoided as the casualty may think they have to fill it.)
4. Make sure that person remains stable and reassure them as much as possible until the experts arrive.


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