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Face Injury First Aid & Treatment Tips

| Thursday, December 9, 2010 |

An injury to the face can be a flesh wound, a fractured cheekbone, or a fractured or dislocated jaw. Flesh wound requires the same treatment as for the scalp, depending on the degree of the injury; the more serious once will require hospital attention.
Face Injury First Aid TreatmentWhere a fracture dislocation has occurred there is little the first-aider can do apart from making the person as comfortable as possible and calling for a ambulance. The casualty will undoubtedly hold their Jaw in the most acceptable position causing the least amount of pain. Dislocations can be recognized by distortion of the lower jaw.
1. After examining for other injuries, place the casualty in the recovery position with soft padding under the head to recover the weight from the head.
2. Other signs of fracture will be bruising and swelling. The area will be painful when moving the jaw or swallowing.
3. If the casualty is fairly steady and is not likely to faint, leave in a sitting position but monitor carefully.
4. The swelling of a cheekbone fracture will be benefit from a cold compress.
5. If the casualty vomits, you most support the jaw and head.


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